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Sales Management
A collection of articles about Sales Management, covering topics such as Inventory, Quotations and Sales Orders.
Understanding widgets: Duplicating the Sales Order Leaderboard
How to approve additional funding request
Requesting Additional Funding
Capturing customer checks against a sales order
How to create an opportunity
Multiple Opportunity Owners
Deleting a Lead record
Using Calendar Conflict to assist with scheduling
Reconciling commissions
Calculating turnover and profit
Understanding Opportunities: Creating a work-stack based on the number of Tasks / Incomplete Tasks / Incomplete Tasks in future
Qualified and unqualified opportunities
Creating a "Next Task" work stack for opportunities
Understanding Opportunities: Creating a work stack based on opportunity created date
How to report on additional funding
Using opportunity classifications
Understanding opportunities: losing opportunities and capturing reasons for loss
Setting up forecasting categories for opportunities
Linking assets to new opportunities
How is profitability information calculated for quotation lines?
Multiple Opportunity Owner - Set up
Understanding Approval Rules
Setting a quote as Dominant
Understanding spend commitment
Adding notes to quotation, sales order and invoice line items
Overriding a product or service name on a quotation or sales order
Changing the supplier when adding a product to a quote or sales order
Outputting variable discounts & subsidies on a quotation
Linking opportunity assets to quotation items
Creating a custom service in a quotation
Duplicating a quote
Linking opportunity assets to quotation items with quotation Data Capture
Tracking Sales Orders with Days in Progress
Customer Direct Debit set-up during quotation sign
Locking quotations from Approval Manager
Guide to Using Dynamic Values in Your Quotations and Sales Orders
How to Add/Edit items to a Sales Order
Understanding quotations: managing upfront variable sell price & discounts
Understanding the One-off Subsidy Fund
Understanding discount types in The Layer
Using Discount Plans
Managing subsidy scheduled payments
Using hardware funds
How to apply hardware fund prematurely
Adjusting customer fund balances
Subsidies in The Layer