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Understanding Approval Rules

How do approval rules work and which notifications are triggered?

Written by Michaela Gormanova
Updated over a week ago

Let's take a very simple approval rule to walk through an example:

Approval Rule: Any Hardware Fund in quotation

From the below example we are expecting line managers to approve their team's quotes.

  • Mary Hill will be approving quotes for Sales Team

  • Ruth Glen will be approving quotes for Service Team

Approval Rule is triggered

The rule will automatically be triggered when hardware fund is added to the quotation.

Click the chevron to see which rules have been triggered.


This column shows the Approval Rule Name/s to advise all users what requires attention.


This column shows all teams which fall under this rule if there are multiple teams set up.

The user will be able to tell when they are excluded from the approval rule if they

don't belong to the set team. This means that the user working on this quote belongs to the Sales Team and is expecting approval from 'Sale Approver' team.


This column shows all approver teams set up against this approval rule.

Once the quotation owner clicks 'Request Approval' all users belonging to the teams listed in this column will receive an email notification,

0 of 1

0 = how many users have approved my quotation.

of 1 = means how many users are required to approve the quotation.

The below example suggests that 2 approvers from 'Sales Approver' team need to approve my quote before I can send it to customer.


This column confirms the status of your approval rules.

Not satisfied = still requires approval


This column shows whether the request for approval has already been triggered.


N.B. If the Request has not been triggered yet none of the approvers will know that you are awaiting approval. Therefore you MUST click 'Request Approval' once you are finished compiling quotation and you are still not able to produce it.

Request Approval

Click 'Request Approval' only once you have finished compiling your quotation for customer. Once you trigger the approval a notification will be sent to the approvers as per the rule set up.

If the 'Produce' button is not available this means that you need to request approval before sending it to customer.

What does approver see?

Once the request is triggered an email notification is sent to the approvers as set in the approval rule:

The approver can access the quotation from the email or from the approval queue

Approve Quotation

Click approve and provide any feedback if required before confirming.

This will trigger an email notification to the quotation owner. Once the quote is approved you can go ahead and send the quotation to your customer.

Decline Quotation

Click decline and add a reason why the quotation is declined so that the user can make required changes and re-request the approval. An email notification will be sent to the quotation owner with the reasons for declining the quote. Amend the quotation as per the approver request and re-request the approval if required.

The quotation notes will show the history of all approval notes as well.

Status still not 'Satisfied'

Until the status of the approval rule is changed to 'Satisfied' user will not be able to produce the quote and therefore send it to customer.

Status 'Satisfied'

Once all required approvers approved the quotation the status will change to OK.

The 'Produce' button will be available again.

Make sure you are happy with the quote before you send it to customer.

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