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Keeping track of disconnections with the Cease Manager
Keeping track of disconnections with the Cease Manager

The Cease Manager is a tool for managing disconnections

Written by Raymond Carrel
Updated over 3 months ago

It is useful for sales users to be aware of recent and up-coming service disconnections. There is a tool designed specifically to help you keep track of recent and up-coming ceases - the Cease Manager. This lets you view and update cease services, and allows you to quickly and easily add cease services to a case.

This case may be used as a reference for ceasing services, or as the basis for a sales opportunity, or both.

If you want to use the Cease Manager and it is not enabled in your instance, speak to your contact at The Layer.

Accessing the Cease Manager

The Case Manager tool provides a view of a specific customer's service assets, similar to the Assets tab itself. However, it uses a Data Capture-style interface, allowing for updates to be made in bulk.

To access the Cease manager, navigate to the Assets tab on a customer record, and click the Cease Manager - Services button as shown:

Updating service assets with cease data

As this tool is focused on cease-related fields, the majority of fields are read-only. The following fields are editable, providing that the user has the user role Cease Manager Update:

  • Cease Date

  • Cease Reason

  • Cease Source

  • Supplier service ref

  • Case Reference

Populating these fields will update the relevant fields on an asset record.

Tip: If you have a long list of items requiring an update - in Cease Manager, consider grouping or sorting the data to make the process more efficient.

For example, if the items are assets with the same name and connection date, you can sort or filter the respective columns to quickly identify them.

Utilise the Sort and Filter features in Cease Manager to streamline the update of large datasets.

Cease Reason and Cease Source

Cease Reason and Cease Source fields use a drop-down menu to select from pre-defined options. These can be configured from Settings - Cease Reasons.

Cease Assets in cases

It's possible to link service assets to a service case. The Cease Assets tab on a case record will display linked cease assets.

Please note that this is distinct from Affected Assets.

The Cease Manager allows you to quickly add selected assets to a new case, using the Add to Case button.

Doing this will create a new case with details auto-populated. If the asset was already assigned to a case, you'll be asked if you want to move it to the new case instead.

Open the Cease Assets tab to see any linked cease assets.

Accessing the Cease Manager from within a case

The Cease Manager button here can be used to open the cease manager. Accessing the cease manager from a case will, by default, show only the assets linked to the case.

You can click Show All to remove this filter. The Add button will reflect that adding cases from here will add them to the existing case.

Changing the assigned case

It's possible to change the linked case by using the Case Reference drop-down. This will be populated with any open cases that are of the disconnection category.

Defining the cease case default subcategory

The default case subcategory for new cease cases can be defined in Settings - Case Categories. Select the subcategory you want to use, and check the Disconnection Type box.

Make Cease Reason mandatory when ceasing an asset

There is a system-wide customisation that makes Cease Reason a mandatory field when ceasing an asset via the asset record or Cease Manager.

The Make Cease Reason Mandatory for Assets with Cease Date customisation can be accessed from Settings - Company Setup - Customisations.

With this enabled, users will be required to enter a Cease Reason before setting a Cease Date.

Note that this applies to ceases actioned via the asset record and Cease Manager, but not Batch Editor.

Cease Manager vs Batch Editor

The Batch Editor should not be used for cease-related changes, if the Cease Manager is enabled in your instance.

Cease asset work stacks

A Service (Cease) work stack (also known as a batch set browser) can also be created to track service assets.

The view here is similar to that in the Cease Manager. It is exportable and can be subscribed to.

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