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Using sales performance widgets

There are two primary widgets used to provide a picture on sales performance

Written by Raymond Carrel
Updated over 3 years ago

There are two main Sales Performance widgets in The Layer. The first is designed for managers, and the second is intended for individual sales people.

Managerial View

For a team overview, use the Sales Performance / Team Sales Performance widget.

This widget will include details for all users with the Sales business unit assigned, or any other business unit mapped to sales in your company settings.

The opportunities section will show the number of won opportunities per user, their total number of opportunities and the percentage rate of won opportunities out of all opportunities.

Similarly the profit group of column shows the total profit won (at the signed quotation stage) the total profit that the users opportunities would provide (if all were won) and the conversion rate of the won profit against total proposed profit.

The turnover section shows the total turnover won (at the signed quotation stage) the total turnover that the users opportunities would provide (if all were won) and the conversion rate of the won turnover against total proposed turnover.

The Services section will display the number of won services (from the creation of the sales order), the total number of service (this could change from the quotation) and the percentage of won against total services.

The totals for all team members is also displayed along the bottom of the widget (the mean values of all percentages are shown).

Individual view

The Sales Performance by Opportunity / My Sales Performance widget shows the same data for an individual user, and can be made available to sales people.

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