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Understanding the "Leaderboard - Revenue and Profit" widget
Understanding the "Leaderboard - Revenue and Profit" widget

This leaderboard widget offers a range of options and filters

Written by Raymond Carrel
Updated over a week ago

The Leaderboard - Revenue and Profit widget is designed to provide details on revenue and profit figures for users, teams or product categories. It then compares these figures to users' monthly targets.

The widget offers many of the usual filters and options, such as user and team filtering, date filters, and user's own view. These are detailed below.

The widget is specifically designed to show figures across three groups, which could be considered as umbrella classifications for new products and services.

These are New, Renewal and Upsell. The Layer offers you the ability to divide existing product classifications across these groups. This means that profit and revenue will be allocated to the relevant column.

This widget has fairly complex functionality, so users are advised to get in touch if they are interested in using it.

Widget-specific logic and behaviour

Quotation or Sales Order data source

You can choose between two data sources - quotation or sales order.

Quotation data source will pull values from the quotation, and therefore will include quotations that have not been converted to sales order yet. However, if any adjustments are made to the deal post-conversion, these will not be reflected in the figures.

Sales order data source will use sales order values, and will only include deals that have reached the sales order stage. It will also include details of sales order that skipped the quotation stage, providing that you use a sales order-based date filter.

Date Filter On

The selection you choose here will determine which dates are used for the purposes of filtering. The options are:

  • Quotation Sign Date

  • SO Completion Date

  • SO Created Date

  • Opportunity Estimated Close Date (Estimated Close Date)

Please note that this will also determine which deals show at all. For example, SO Completion Date will only include deals that have a completed sales order.

Please also note that using Opportunity Estimated Close Date will result in slower performance, and that we do not recommend using this option for widgets that you will be checking regularly. Opportunity Estimated Close Date will also include Close date for closed opportunities.

Deal-level product category

The widget offers the ability to group by product base category instead of user or team. In order to properly handle deals that have a mix of product categories and new / upsell / renewal items, quotations and sales orders are now assigned a Default Base Category. This can be seen on the quotation edit screen or sales order home page.

This is determined by picking the most numerous service category on the deal. If there is a tie between hardware and core service count, the service category will be used.

Deal-level revenue and profit

Total Revenue and Total GP (Gross Profit) can be seen on the widget. Total GP will match the values as seen on a quotation record as Deal Profit. Total Revenue is also taken directly from the quotation records.

These values will be taken from sales order if you have chosen that option.

Line-level revenue and profit averaging across new, renewal and upsell groups

While we think of profit and GP at deal level, we are required to split these values across the items within the deal. The reason for this is that we need to be able to split deal-level figures, which may include adjustments that are not attributed to a specific line, across the three groups - New, Renewal and Upsell - and a deal may contain a mix of items from more than one of these groups.

For example, if a deal contains a mix of new and upsell items, and has a deal-level profit adjustment applied, we are required to find a way to split that adjustment between the two categories. Adjustments that have already been explicitly attributed to a specific line will be fully attributed to the group to which that line belongs. But deal-level adjustments do not 'belong' to an individual line.

To address this, deal-level profit and revenue adjustments will be split proportionately across the three groups, based on the totals of each as a percentage of the total deal values.

e.g. if Upsell items comprise 60% of the revenue, they will absorb 60% of the total deal-level adjustments.

Hardware GP and revenue attribution

We know that some users are in the practice of selling hardware at a loss, but that this loss will be offset by service profits.

For this reason, hardware profits / losses and revenue will be treated similar to a deal-level adjustment.

For example, if a deal had New service GP of £10,000 but Upsell hardware GP of -£2000, the widget would show £8,000 under the New GP column and £0 under Upsell GP.

If no services are present, this logic is not required.

Common widget features


View details of a line or all lines by clicking on the magnifying glass icon.


Breakdown view can be exported to spreadsheet.

My View

Allows you to roll out a widget copy to users that will only show their own deals.


Date, status, user, team, opportunity probability and product category filters are available.

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