Important notePlease note that this information is for users who do not yet have Quotation Data Capture enabled.
This can be verified from Settings - Company Setup on the Customisations tab, by looking at the Enable Quotation Item Data Capture box.
Please do not enable this without consulting your contact at The Layer, as this may disrupt your existing processes.
If you do have this enabled, please check this article instead. |
Benefits of asset linking
Assets that have been linked to an opportunity can also be linked to specific lines on any new quotations that are raised.
This allows certain information to be carried through from the asset to the new line, such as MSISDN numbers, and the user to whom the line is assigned. This information can be displayed on quotation documents.
Asset linking also enables some other features, such as auto-calculated deal termination.
Asset-mapping can be enabled on a per-classification basis. For example, you may wish to enable it only for renewal-type sales. Click here for information on how this is configured.
Opportunity assets
You must link assets to an opportunity before they can be linked to quotation items.
Mapping opportunity assets to new services in the quotation builder
In order to map the assets you have added to the opportunities, the appropriate classification must be set against the new tariffs (i.e. renewal, upgrade).
Once the classification has been set you will see the option to map opportunity assets.
Click Map Opportunity Assets to see a list of linked assets. Check the assets you want, and click Save.
Then add the item to your quotation as usual.
You can confirm linked assets by clicking on the item name, and looking at the Mapped Assets tab. You can also remove the mapping by clicking Delete.
Presenting asset details on the new quotation document
You may wish to include details of the renewed assets on your customer-facing quotation document.
This can be done by configuring snippets and including them in your quotation output templates.
Click here for more information.
Mapping the items in sales order Data Capture
Once your quotation has made it to the sales order stage, you can auto-map the items in Data Capture. Click Auto-Map and then Service Asset.
This will pull through MSISDN (or equivalent) and user data where present.