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Articles in response to frequently asked questions

Is there anything I should do before deactivating a user?
Why shouldn’t I delete invoices? HMRC GUIDELINES
Can I change my username?
Excel: How do I convert numbers from scientific notation?
Can I delete notes created by another user?
Can I search for an asset by MSISDN / service asset / mobile number?
Which notifications are useful for a finance team?
How do I keep track of unreconciled invoices?
What triggers a change in the Last Updated column of the All Customers report?
How do I find a product based on its IMEI or serial number?
How to get support for Layer products
Why won't images show in my Knowledgebase article?
Can I set a default Billing Contact on an invoice?
Feedback on The Layer
Is the electronic signature legally binding?
What is considered as a first response to a case?
What is the View Mode Options menu for in service asset work stacks?
Understanding Updates and Changes in a SaaS Environment
Can I add a hyperlink to a form?