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Feedback on The Layer
Feedback on The Layer

This article will detail how to submit product improvements or feature requests directly from The Layer

Written by Chris Smith
Updated over a week ago

The Purpose of The Feedback Feature:

The Feedback Feature on The Layer serves as a dedicated space where users can submit their valuable product suggestions and feature requests. Recognizing that customers' perspectives are invaluable in driving product improvement, The Layer has established this feature to create an open channel of communication between its users and development team. By actively seeking feedback, The Layer aims to enhance user experiences, address pain points, and incorporate innovative features that align with users' expectations.

How-to Use The Feedback Feature:

The Feedback Feature is accessible from anywhere on The Layer, this can be accessed by navigating to the quick access bar along the bottom left of your screen and clicking on "Feedback"

You will then be taken to the feedback area as below:

You will see that you have several options here, they are:

  • Filter the posts using the "showing" and Categories" drop down lists

  • You can Create a New Post

  • Use the Search Bar to find if specific or similar suggestions

If you search for a suggestion and find nothing has been submitted already, we recommend you Create a New Post

To do this:

  • Select the category the suggestion will relate to

  • Give a short, descriptive title

  • Tell us the details

  • If you have images that will help paint the picture, we encourage you to attach them

N.B. When submitting feedback or images, we ask that you do not include any images with company information included and remind all users that this area is accessible by all our customers.

When creating a new post, we like to hear the details and encourage all users to articulate their ideas and provide detailed explanations for how a suggested improvement or feature would benefit you and your colleagues.

If you search for a post and find a suggestion from another user that you feel would also be beneficial for you, you can Vote for this post to show support.

To do this, find a post you would consider to be beneficial such as the below:

Click on the aggregated number with the arrow, this will add you as a voted user.

You can also add any comments with further information or considerations for the product team to review.

When you create a post or add a vote to another users post, you will automatically receive updates via email once the suggestion is progressing, or if a comment has been added.

This allows you to track a suggestions progress easily at the click of a button.

N.B. Although we encourage all feedback, suggestions and feature requests and aim to grow The Layer to benefit our customers, please note that not all suggestions will be actioned.

If you feel a suggestion or feature request still requires further discussion, we still encourage you to speak to our customer success team who will be happy to help.

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