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How do I update my mail agent password?
How do I update my mail agent password?

A quick guide on how you can change the password of your mail agent

Written by Raymond Carrel
Updated over a week ago

To change your mail agent password or other details, access your User profile from the top-left of the screen:

From the Mail Agents tab, click on the name of the mail agent - this will likely be your own name.

Click Login Now - this will route you through the Microsoft authentication portal. The credentials you use will depend on the Connection Type you are using. The options are:

  • Connect with user credentials

  • Connect with maintenance account

Enter the email address for either your own user or the maintenance account, depending on the above setting.

Click Next and enter the new password for that account.

Sign in, and you will be taken back to your mail agent settings within The Layer.

Password expiry vs token expiry

It is important to note that the expiry for the mail agent token is unrelated to the expiry of the Microsoft password.

The policy for changing your own password will be set by your organisation. You do not need to change your password to refresh your token, though logging in with updated credentials will refresh it incidentally.

For more information on mail agents, check this link.

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