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Working with SLA Profiles

This addon allows for greater control over SLAs based on case details

Written by Raymond Carrel
Updated over a year ago

The SLA Profiles premium addon allows you to configure Service Level Agreements based on:

  • Customer

  • Site

  • Case contact

  • Linked asset

This allows your organisation to provide more specific and relevant response and resolution times based on a granular understanding of a client’s importance, asset criticality, or any other defined parameter.

For each profile, you can also set a default case priority. This feeds in to case work stacks, widgets, and reports.

SLA Profiles are an optional add-on. Please get in touch if you are interested in this feature.

SLA Profiles

Profiles are defined in the SLA Profiles area of Settings. Profiles can then be assigned to various records - customers, sites, contacts, inventory items, or assets.

When a case is created and linked to a record that has an SLA profile assigned, the SLAs from that profile will be used.

A profile can hold different values depending on the case priority. For example, an urgent case may have a shorter SLA than a low priority case using the same SLA

Profile Creation

Profiles are designed in the SLA Profiles area of Settings.

A profile consists of one or more component. There can be one component for each case priority

Each component contains:

  • Priority - the case priority (low, medium, high, urgent) that the SLA values will be used for

  • Resolution - the Resolution SLA for this priority

  • Response - the Response SLA for this priority (optional)

  • Default - this can be ticked for one component per profile, and is optional. If checked against a component, then that priority will be set by default for cases using this SLA profile.

    • In the example pictured above, cases using the "Fire Door" SLA profile will automatically be assigned High priority.

Assigning SLA profiles to records

SLA profiles can be assigned either from a record's UI, or it can be added in bulk through Data Capture.

Customer record:



Profiles can also be assigned to inventory products and services:

This is useful if you are selling an item that, for example, will always require urgent maintenance in the event of an issue. Any items of this variety that are added to quotations and sales order will automatically have this profile assigned.

It's also possible to add, remove, or change an item's SLA profile at quote Data Capture, sales order Data Capture, or asset level. The ability to do this requires the user to have the role Edit SLA in Data Capture & Assets.

SLA field in Data Capture:

SLA field on asset record:

For information on enabling visibility of specific fields in Data Capture or on asset records, check this article.

Bulk assignment

Data Manager can be used to assign an SLA Profile to the following record types:

  • Customer

  • Contact

  • Asset

You can also use the inventory import process to update inventory items.

Setting an order of preference for SLA Profiles

It's possible that a case may be linked to multiple SLA profiles via different components.

For example, the case may be linked to one profile via its site, but the contact may be linked to another

To address this, The Layer allows for the setting of a SLA Profile Preference order.

This can be done from Settings - SLA Profiles by clicking on the SLA Profiles Preference button on the left side.

Components can be dragged and dropped to reorder. When a case SLA profile is being determined, the components will be checked in order until an SLA profile is found.

Profile SLA vs Category SLA

If a case has no SLA profile assigned, case sub-category SLAs will be used.

By default, if present, a profile SLA will always override a sub-category SLA.

However, an option is available that will allow a case sub-category to override a profile SLA, if the case resolution SLA is shorter.

This can be found in Settings - Company Setup, on the Customisations tab.

Check the box next to Respect Case Sub-category SLA if Shorter Than Profile SLA to enable this.

This option ensures that a shorter sub-category resolution SLA will always be used over a longer profile-derived SLA.

If a default priority is assigned to an overriding case category, that will also be used.

Please note that a system-level SLA - which is used when a case sub-category has no SLAs assigned - will never override a profile SLA.

Response SLA

A response SLA is optional. The response SLA for a case will always be the one from the

resolution SLA that is currently in use.

Case creation

During case creation, the SLA will be shown based on current selections.

Here, you can see that an SLA profile will be used to define the Resolution SLA. The priority is also set to Low, based on this profile.

In this instance, we have changed the sub-category to one with a lower resolution SLA. As a result, the SLA profile is acknowledged but is not used.

Default Priority

If a default priority has been set via a profile or sub-category, it cannot be changed during case creation.

Case record view and case edits

The Service Level Agreement tab of a case record details the source of the SLAs.

SLA Profile Override toggle

This toggle will be visible if the Respect Case Sub-category SLA if Shorter Than Profile SLA system customisation has been enabled.

If the sub-category SLA is currently overriding the profile SLA, the toggle will be activated. It can be manually toggled off if the user has the Allow SLA source selection role.

Toggling this off means that a decision has been made to ignore the category SLA, even though it is shorter.

Toggle reset

The system customisation Reset SLA Source Overrides After Case Change, if enabled, will cause this toggle to reset to on whenever a case change is made that might affect SLA profile or sub-category SLA.

Case Changes

If a case is updated in a way that may change the SLA profile or sub-category, a banner will be displayed that will inform the user of any changes to SLA that may occur when the case is saved.

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