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Using Billing Routes to restrict invoicing of leases or other items
Using Billing Routes to restrict invoicing of leases or other items

You can assign an external billing platform to items or lease providers to block invoicing within The Layer

Written by Raymond Carrel
Updated over a week ago

Billing platforms and routes

You may wish to handle invoicing of certain services or products outside of The Layer. To this end, you may wish to block the ability to invoice these items in The Layer. You can do this by way of the Billing Platforms / Billing Routes feature.

This feature allows you to define any number of external billing platforms within The Layer. These can then be assigned to either individual inventory items, or to Leasing Providers.

Note: Please do not attempt to configure Billing Routes without speaking to someone at The Layer first.

Exclusion from invoicing

When raising an invoice from a Sales Order, any items that have been assigned Billing Platform other than The Layer will be blocked from invoicing.

Defining a Billing Platform

Users with Settings access can access Billing Platforms under the Integrations sub-header.

Click Add New to define a new entry. You may wish to name it after a specific system, or create a generic entry e.g. "Leasing".

The Billing Platform assigned to an item can optionally be displayed in Data Capture.

Assigning a Billing Platform to a Leasing Provider

Users with Settings access and the Beta role can access Leasing Providers under the Integrations sub-header.

The Leasing Providers defined for you will be displayed here. Click on the name of the provider to which you want to assign a Billing Platform.

From here, you can assign the Billing Route to both the Upfront Billing Route and Recurring Billing Route fields.

Any leases in inventory that have this leasing provider assigned will now be excluded from invoicing.

Assigning a Billing Platform to a specific item in inventory

You can use the Upfront Cost Billing Route and Recurring Cost Billing Route menus against an item in inventory to indicate that an item should be billed on another platform. An Upfront Cost Billing Route of anything other than The Layer will not be invoiceable.

Please note: an item with no Billing Route set (i.e. the field reads "--Select Billing Platform--") will be invoiceable in The Layer - there is no need to assign The Layer route to items.

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