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Accessing Custom Reports

We have a range of reports available to help you get a view on the information you need

Written by Raymond Carrel
Updated over a week ago

The Reports area provides access to The Layer's comprehensive suite of reports.

In order to access reports, users require the Custom Reports permission to be enabled in their user settings.

Additionally, administrators can use reporting groups to determine which reports a user can access.

Accessing Reports

1. Select Reports from the ribbon at the bottom of your screen

2. You will now be directed to the All Custom Reports page.

3. From here, you can view any reports that you have been given access to. Speak to your Layer administrator if you require access to a specific report.

4. To view a custom report simply click on the custom report name. Some reports may require you to enter a date range on the left-side of the screen. Please note that the start and end dates are not inclusive, so set your range to be one day before and after the days you want to include.

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