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User Role Reference

A guide for administrators outlining the user roles available on the system

Nick Kewney avatar
Written by Nick Kewney
Updated over 3 years ago

Security Levels



CRM Administrator

This role is for users responsible for configuring the CRM

CRM Data Administrator

This role is for users responsible for importing and exporting data via Data Manager

CRM User

This role should be assigned to all users requiring access to the CRM, API & Mobile products




Finance Module

Users in this role have full access to the finance module and all associated functions

Marketing Module

Users in this role have full access to the marketing module and all associated functions

Mobile Module

Users in this role have full access to the mobile module and all associated functions

Ordering Module

Users in this role have full access to the ordering module and all associated functions

Presales Module

Users in this role have full access to the presales module and all associated functions

Sales Module

Users in this role have full access to the sales module and all associated functions

Service Module

Users in this role have full access to the service module and all associated functions


Users in this role have full access to the settings module (except users and company)

Stock Module

Users in this role have full access to the stock module and all associated functions

General Access



Access Encrypted Custom Fields

Users in this group can view data that has been encrypted for additional security

Add Product to Company Inventory

Users in this role can add products to the company inventory from the quotation browser

Allow Case Sub-Status Creation

Permission to Create Case Sub-Status

Allow Change Case Priority

Permission to Change Case Priority

Allow Change case Type (ITIL etc.)

Permission to Change Case Type (ITIL etc.)

Allow Change Team in Cases

Permission to Change Team in Cases

Allow Grid Customisation for Users or Teams

Permission to assign Grid Customisation for Users or Teams

Allow Sage Susbscription

Permission to Subscribe to Sage

Allow Setting Cancelled Status on Opportunity

Users in this role can toggle the cancelled status

Allow Setting of Case Owner to Unassigned

Permission to Create Unassigned Cases

Allow Setting Qualified Status on Opportunity

Users in this role can toggle the qualified status

Allow Sub-Company Change

Permission to Change Sub-Company on Lead, Customer, Opportunity and Sales Order

Allow Toggle First Response Status

Permission to Toggle First Response Status

Authorise Purchase Order

Users in this group can authorise purchase orders via the purchase order screen


Users in this group have access to beta features not yet available in general release versions of The Layer


Users in this group may access the boards system based on their own view group (all, mine)

Bulk Opportunity Loss Status Update

Users in the group can bulk update opportunities to lose status in browsing sessions

Case Deletion

Users in this role case delete cases

Change Quotation Owner

Users in this group can change the owner value of a quotation via the quotation editor view

Create Customer Transactions

Users in this role may create customer transactions, including line rental subsidy and hardware fund movements

Custom Reports

Users in this group can access custom reports

Customer & Affiliate Rebates

Users in this group can create customer and affiliate rebates

Customer Cancellation

Users in this role can create and process Customer Cancellations

Customer Inventory Import Auto-Normalise

Users in this role have the option to automatically create product manufacturers and suppliers during import of customer inventory data from flat file

Delete Customer

Users in this role may delete customer data and all associated records

Delete Opportunity Notes

Users in this group can delete opportunity notes

Delete Quotation Signature

Users in this group (and Delete Quotations) can remove quotation signatures

Delete Quotations

Users in this group can delete quotations (inc. signatures) and associated orders

Delete Sales Order

Users in this group can delete sales orders

Delete Stock Movement Sessions

Users in this role may delete stock movement sessions which are either empty or contain only unreconciled items

Disable Browsing Session Template Creation

Users in this role group cannot create browsing session templates

Disable Custom Product Creation

Users in this group may not create custom products

Edit Campaign Email Pages

Users in this group can edit campaign email templates

Edit Customer

Users in this group can edit customer records

Edit Customer Documents - Portal Availability

Users in this group are allowed to change the availability of customer documents on the customer portal

Edit Lead

Users in this role can edit lead records

Employee Numbers as Integer

Users in this group will view employee numbers as integers instead of drop down lists

Funding Administrator

Users in this group can access all statuses in funding requests


Users in this role may take advantage of mapping functionality

Merge Records

Users in this group have the ability to merge records.

Natter Contributor

Users in this role group can access the Natter utility from the master page of the application

Portal Registration Mapper

Users in this group can map portal registrations

Postcode Lookups

Users in this group are configured to use the postcode lookup tool

Premature Hardware Fund Attribution

Users in this role can apply hardware fund prematurely

Publish Knowledgebase Article

Users in this role can publish knowledgebase articles

Purchase Order Item - Price Editing

Users in this group can modify the price of purchase order items at any time

Quotation Authorise Override

Users in this group can create quotations that do not require authorisation

Quotation Authoriser

Users in this group can authorise quotations

Quotation Line Minimum Profit Override

Users in this group and create quotations that do not meet the minimum quotation line profit threshold

Quotation Manual Sign

Users in this group can manually set quotations to won

Quotation Minimum Profit Override

Users in this group and create quotations that do not meet the minimum profit threshold

Quotation Rate Groups

Users in this group have access to quotation call rate groups

Quotation Won Edit

Users in this group can edit won quotations

Resource Planner

Users in this group can view the resource planner

Respect Profit Holdback Values

Users in this group will view profitability figures in quotations with % holdback values deducted

Sales Order and Quotation Finance Report

Users in this role are able to download a sales order/quotation finance report from the sales order/quotation screen and sales order/quotation stack

Settings: Edit Company

Users in this group can edit company settings in the settings zone

Settings: Edit User

Users in this group can edit users in the settings zone

Settings: List Users

Users in this group can list users in the settings zone

Show Files Link in Navigation

Users in this group can see a public files link in navigation

Show Service/Product Profit Change in Quote Grid

Users in this role can see the service and product differences in the quotation grids

Stock Movement Value Override

Users in this role can override the value of a stock item when it is being booked in

Suppress Case Ratings by Case

Users in this group can suppress rating emails by case

Tasks: Toggle Completed

Users in this role can toggle the completed value of a task

Tasks: Toggle Flag

Users in this role can toggle the starred value of a task

Update Buy Price - Purchase Orders

Users in this group can update product buy price from purchase orders




Include Leads with Deletion Requests in Global Search

Users in this group will see leads with deletion requests in search results

Search All Record Types

Users in this group can search everything and have access to advanced search

Search Cases Affected Assets

Users in this group may search customer cases affected assets via Name or IMEI/MSISDN based on configured view mode

Search Credit Note Reference

Users in this group can search by credit note reference

Search Customer Addresses

Users in this group can search customer addresses

Search Customer Cases via Reference

Users in this group may search customer cases via reference based on configured view mode

Search Customer Contacts

Users in this group can search customer contacts

Search Customer Products Custom Fields

Users in this group can search for customer products based on custom fields

Search Customer Products via Serial

Users in this group may search customer products based on configured view mode

Search Customer Products via Username

Users in this group may search customer products based on configured view mode

Search Customer Service Custom Fields

Users in this group can search for customer services based on custom fields

Search Customer Services via MSISDN

Users in this group may search customer services via MSISDN based on configured view mode

Search Customer Services via SIM

Users in this group may search customer services via SIM # based on configured view mode

Search Customer Services via Username

Users in this group may search customer services by username based on configured view mode

Search Customers

Users in this group may search customers based on configured view mode

Search Lead Addresses

Users in this group can search lead addresses

Search Lead Contacts

Users in this group can search lead contacts

Search Leads

Users in this group may search leads based on configured view mode

Search Quotation Reference

Users in this group may search lead & customer quotations via reference based on configured view mode

Search Sales Order Reference

Users in this group can search by sales order reference

Show all search results to "View only mine" users

Users in this group can view all records in search, even when in view only mine mode

Data Export



Browsing Session Exporter - Appointment Feedback

Users in this group have the permission to export from appointment feedback browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Assets (Products)

Users in this group have the permission to export from assets (products) browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Assets (Service)

Users in this group have the permission to export from assets (service) browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Campaign Browsing

Users in this group have the permission to export from campaign browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Case

Users in this group have the permission to export from case browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Commission

Users in this group have the permission to export from commission browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Contact

Users in this group have the permission to export from contact browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Customer

Users in this group have the permission to export from customer browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Expiry

Users in this group have the permission to export from expiry browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Invoice Payments

Users in this group can export invoice payments work stacks

Browsing Session Exporter - Lead

Users in this group have the permission to export from lead browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Opportunity

Users in this group have the permission to export from opportunity browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Product

Users in this group have the permission to export from product browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Product Stock

Users in this group have the permission to export from product stock browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Purchase Order

Users in this group can export purchase order work stacks

Browsing Session Exporter - Quotation

Users in this group have the permission to export from quotation browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Sales Order

Users in this group have the permission to export from sales order browsing sessions

Browsing Session Exporter - Task

Users in this group have the permission to export from task browsing sessions

Campaign (Email) Report Export

Users in the group have the permission to export the capaign email report

Export Forms

Users in this group can export form results

Export Invoices

Users in this group can export invoice work stacks

Export Products

Users in this role are able to export products & services to CSV within the customer profile

Export Stock Movement

Users in this role can export the history of Stock Movements

Export Widget Data

Users in this group can export widget data


Users in this group have permissions to export from all grids

Hidden Features



Disallow Bulk Lead & Customer Operations

Users in the role are not able to perform customer and lead bulk operations

Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (All)

Users in the role are not able to perform opportunity bulk operations

Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Classification)

Users in this group can bulk change opportunity classification

Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Est Close)

Users in this group can bulk change opportunity estimated close date

Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Owner)

Users in this group can bulk change opportunity owner

Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Probability)

Users in this group can bulk change opportunity probability

Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Qualified)

Users in this group can bulk change opportunity qualified state

Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Qualified-Int)

Users in this group can bulk change opportunity qualified state (lead/customer)

Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Status)

Users in this group can bulk change opportunity status

Disallow Bulk Service Assets Change (Reassign Customer)

Users in this group can bulk reassign customer

Disallow Bulk Service Assets Change (Reassign Supplier)

Users in this group can bulk reassign supplier

Disallow Bulk Subsidy Operations

Users in this group cannot perform bulk operations on subsidy editor

Disallow Bulk Task Change (Complete)

Users in this group can bulk change task completion status

Disallow Bulk Task Change (Priority)

Users in this group can bulk change task priority

Disallow Bulk Task Change (Reassign)

Users in this group can bulk change task owner

Disallow Widget Settings Changes

Users in this group will be unable to change widget settings

Hide Browsing Session Promote Button

Permission to restrict browsing session promotions

Hide Intermediaries from Quotation Builder

Users in this group cannot see the intermediaries column in the quotation builder

Hide Natter in Views

Users in this role will have access to natter

Hide New Campaign Shortcut

Users in this role cannot see the New Campaign shortcut

Hide New Case Shortcut

Users in this role cannot see the New Case shortcut

Hide New Customer Shortcut

Users in this role cannot see the New Customer shortcut

Hide New Lead Shortcut

Users in this role cannot see the New Lead shortcut

Hide New Purchase Order Shortcut

Users in this role cannot see the New Purchase Order shortcut

Hide New Sales Order Shortcut

Users in this role cannot see the New Sales Order shortcut

Hide New Scheduled Report Shortcut

Users in this role cannot see the New Scheduled Report shortcut

Hide New Stock Movement Shortcut

Users in this role cannot see the New Stock Movement shortcut

Hide News in Top Bar Links

Users in this role cannot see recent items (news) in the hidden menu

Hide Quotation & Sales Order Profits

Users in this role cannot see quotation profitability

Hide Quotation Profitability Breakdown

Users in this role will not have access to quotation profitability breakdowns

Hide Scheduled Emails from Users

Users in this group will not see scheduled email options

Hide SKU Field

Users in this group cannot see the SKU Field throughout the Application

Hide Transactions Summary (Customer)

Users in this group will not see transaction summaries on the customer screen

Hide Transactions Summary (Sales Order)

Users in this group will not see transaction summarised on the sales order screen

Override Finalised Purchase Order

Users in the role can amend finalised purchase orders

Search Purchase Order Reference

Users in this role can search purchase order reference

Developer API



API - Access All Areas

Users in this group have full acess to the api data

API - Custom Reports

Permission to access API Custom Reports

API - Customer Files (POST)

Users in this role can post API files

API - Leasing Feeds

Permission to access API Leasing endpoint

API - Outlook Plugin

Users in this group may access the Outlook plug in for their own view group (own, mine)




App - Billing

Users in this group have access to the billing app

App - Billing - End User

Users in this group have access to the app billing results in UI

App - Spend Management

Users in this group have access to the O2 Minimum Spend app


Users in this group have access to apps

Apps - Change Queue

Users in this group have access to the Apps - Change Queue

Apps - Duplicate Manager

Users in this group have access to the Apps - Duplicate Manager

Apps - ePostCode

Users in this group have access to ePostCode

Apps - Exchange Touch

Users in this group have access to the Exchange Touch app

Apps - Mail Triage

Users in this group have access to the Mail Triage app

Apps - Maintenance

Users in this group have access to Maintenance App

Apps - SPM

Users in this group have access to SPM tooling

Sales Orders



Allow Edit Holdback Values in Quotation & Sales Order Items

Users in this role can edit the holdback values in quotation & sales Order Items

Allow Restricted Amendments in Data Capture

Users in this role are allowed to edit sales order data in data capture after after finalisation

Allow Restricted Amendments in Data Capture (Post Conversion)

Users in this role are allowed to edit sales order data in data capture after after completion

Allow Sales Order Change During Processing

Users in this group can modify sales order lines after processing has started

Allow Sales Order Modification Post Completion

Users in this group can modify sales order data in the header tab after sales order completion

Cancel Sales Order

Users in this group can cancel sales orders

Enable sales order regulation (BETA)

Users in this group can regulate sales orders

Hide Adjustments tab in Sales Order

Users in this roles cannot see the Adjustments tab in Sales Order

Hide Checklist tab in Sales Order

Users in this roles cannot see the Notifications tab in Sales Order

Hide Deliveries tab in Sales Order

Users in this roles cannot see the Deliveries tab in Sales Order

Hide Documents tab in Sales Order

Users in this roles cannot see the Documents tab in Sales Order

Hide History tab in Sales Order

Users in this roles cannot see the History tab in Sales Order

Hide Invoice & Credit Note tabs in Sales Order

Users in this roles cannot see the Invoices tab in Sales Order

Hide Invoice Payments tab in Sales Order

Users in this roles cannot see the Invoice Payments tab in Sales Order

Hide Items tab in Sales Order

Users in this roles cannot see the Items tab in Sales Order

Hide Spend tab in Sales Order

Users in this roles cannot see the Spend tab in Sales Order

Prevent Check Creation in Sales Order

Users in this roles cannot create checks in Sales Order

Prevent Check Edit & Deletion in Sales Order

Users in this roles cannot edit checks in Sales Order

Prevent Reservations & Allocations in Sales Order

Users in this roles cannot reserve & allocate stock in Sales Order

Prevent Reservations in Sales Order

Users in this roles cannot reserve stock in Sales Order

Sales Order Authorise Override

Users in this group can create sales order that do not require authorisation

Sales Order Authoriser

Users in this group can authorise sales orders

Sales Order Header Edit Customer Owner

Users in this role can request the Sales Order's Customer's Owner be changed upon Conversion

Sales Order Migrator

Users in this group can migrate sales order items to customer assets

Show Upfront & Recurring Buy Pricing in Data Capture

Users in this group can see buy price in data capture in read-only mode

Update Sales Order Financial Incentives

Users in this role can update the financial incentives in a sales order, or manage the subsidy queue




Allow edit invoices nominal codes

Permission to Change Invoice nominal code in Invoice manager

Allow Editing of Reconciled Invoices

Users in this group can edit reconciled invoices

Allow Invoice Creditnote Creation

Permission to Create Invoice Credit Note

Allow Invoice Finance Changes

Users in this group can change invoice values after creation

Allow Invoice Reconciliation

Users in this group can reconcile invoices

Allow update billing

Permission to Update Billing Route, Billing Status and Bill Start Date Override

Delete Invoice Payment

Users in this group can delete invoice payments

Disable Invoice & Credit Note Deletion

Users in this group cannot delete invoices and credit notes

Disable Invoice Cancellation

Users in this group cannot cancel invoices

Disable Invoice Creation

Users in this group cannot create invoices

Disable Invoice Editing

Users in this role cannot edit invoices after creation

Re-Invoice Items Override

Users in this group can override invoicing by quantity




Restrict opportunity owner change

Permission to Restrict opportunity owner change

Restrict opportunity update to cancelled

Permission to Restrict opportunity update to cancelled

Restrict opportunity update to in progress

Permission to Restrict opportunity update to in progress

Restrict opportunity update to lost

Permission to Restrict opportunity update to lost

Restrict opportunity update to on hold

Permission to Restrict opportunity update to on hold

Restrict opportunity update to won

Permission to Restrict opportunity update to won




Disable Delegation on Lead records

Permission to Disable Delegation on Lead records

Hide lead tab - Access

Permission to Hide lead tab - Access

Hide lead tab - Addresses

Permission to Hide lead tab - Addresses

Hide lead tab - Audit

Permission to Hide lead tab - Audit

Hide lead tab - Contact

Permission to Hide lead tab - Contact

Hide lead tab - Custom Fields

Permission to Hide lead tab - Custom Fields

Hide lead tab - Expiries

Permission to Hide lead tab - Expiries

Hide lead tab - Home

Permission to Hide lead tab - Home

Hide lead tab - Notes

Permission to Hide lead tab - Notes

Hide lead tab - Opportunities

Permission to Hide lead tab - Opportunities

Hide lead tab - Quotes

Permission to Hide lead tab - Quotes

Hide lead tab - Tasks

Permission to Hide lead tab - Tasks

Restrict lead owner change

Permission to Restrict lead owner change

Restrict lead to customer conversion

Permission to Restrict lead to customer conversion




Allow Customer Credit Limit Changes

Permission to set Customer Credit Limit

Disable Delegation on Customer records

Permission to Disable Delegation on Customer records

Hide customer tab - Access

Permission to Hide customer tab - Access

Hide customer tab - Addresses

Permission to Hide customer tab - Addresses

Hide customer tab - Assets

Permission to Hide customer tab - Assets

Hide customer tab - Audit

Permission to Hide customer tab - Audit

Hide customer tab - Cancellations

Permission to Hide customer tab - Cancellations

Hide customer tab - Cases

Permission to Hide customer tab - Cases

Hide customer tab - Contacts

Permission to Hide customer tab - Contacts

Hide customer tab - Custom Fields

Permission to Hide customer tab - Custom Fields

Hide customer tab - Expiries

Permission to Hide customer tab - Expiries

Hide customer tab - Finance

Permission to Hide customer tab - Finance

Hide customer tab - Home

Permission to Hide customer tab - Home

Hide customer tab - Notes

Permission to Hide customer tab - Notes

Hide customer tab - Opportunities

Permission to Hide customer tab - Opportunities

Hide customer tab - Orders

Permission to Hide customer tab - Orders

Hide customer tab - Quotes

Permission to Hide customer tab - Quotes

Hide customer tab - Tasks

Permission to Hide customer tab - Tasks

Restrict customer asset deletions

Permission to Restrict customer asset deletions

Restrict customer asset editing

Permission to Restrict customer asset editing

Restrict customer asset manual creation

Permission to Restrict manual creation of customer assets

Restrict customer asset snapshots

Permission to Restrict customer asset snapshots

Restrict customer owner change

Permission to Restrict customer owner change

Browsing Sessions



Hide browsing session subscriptions

Permission to hide browsing session subscriptions, or 'stacks'




Approval Manager

Users in this group have access to the approval manager

Approval Override

Users in this group are excempt from approval rules




Restrict Deal Termination Value Update

Permission to Restrict Deal Termination Value Update

Show Present Value of Annuity Calculations (Annual)

Show Present Value calculations for wholesale service profit




Remove Finalised Lease

Users in this group can remove finalised leases

Product Browser



Override Product Name in Quotations & Sales Orders

Users in this group can override product name in quotations & sales orders

Override Supplier in Quotations & Sales Orders

Users in this group can override supplier in quotations & sales orders




Allow Case Time Creation after Maintenance balance is exhausted

Permission to allow users to create Case Time even after the maintenance balance is depleted

Allow Retrospective Case Time Addition

Users in this group can create case time for previous dates

Delete Case Time Entries

Users in this group can delete the case time entries

Edit Case Time Entries

Users in this group can edit the case time entries

Enable Internal Body in Cases

Users in this group can edit the case internal description

Override Case Time Creation for Cases with Maintenance Type

Permission to log a “non-maintenance plan” case time entry when maintenance plan specified on case sub-category is enabled

Override Deductible in Case Time Entry

Users in this group can override deductible option case time entry

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