Security Levels
CRM Administrator | This role is for users responsible for configuring the CRM |
CRM Data Administrator | This role is for users responsible for importing and exporting data via Data Manager |
CRM User | This role should be assigned to all users requiring access to the CRM, API & Mobile products |
Finance Module | Users in this role have full access to the finance module and all associated functions |
Marketing Module | Users in this role have full access to the marketing module and all associated functions |
Mobile Module | Users in this role have full access to the mobile module and all associated functions |
Ordering Module | Users in this role have full access to the ordering module and all associated functions |
Presales Module | Users in this role have full access to the presales module and all associated functions |
Sales Module | Users in this role have full access to the sales module and all associated functions |
Service Module | Users in this role have full access to the service module and all associated functions |
Settings | Users in this role have full access to the settings module (except users and company) |
Stock Module | Users in this role have full access to the stock module and all associated functions |
General Access
Access Encrypted Custom Fields | Users in this group can view data that has been encrypted for additional security |
Add Product to Company Inventory | Users in this role can add products to the company inventory from the quotation browser |
Allow Case Sub-Status Creation | Permission to Create Case Sub-Status |
Allow Change Case Priority | Permission to Change Case Priority |
Allow Change case Type (ITIL etc.) | Permission to Change Case Type (ITIL etc.) |
Allow Change Team in Cases | Permission to Change Team in Cases |
Allow Grid Customisation for Users or Teams | Permission to assign Grid Customisation for Users or Teams |
Allow Sage Susbscription | Permission to Subscribe to Sage |
Allow Setting Cancelled Status on Opportunity | Users in this role can toggle the cancelled status |
Allow Setting of Case Owner to Unassigned | Permission to Create Unassigned Cases |
Allow Setting Qualified Status on Opportunity | Users in this role can toggle the qualified status |
Allow Sub-Company Change | Permission to Change Sub-Company on Lead, Customer, Opportunity and Sales Order |
Allow Toggle First Response Status | Permission to Toggle First Response Status |
Authorise Purchase Order | Users in this group can authorise purchase orders via the purchase order screen |
Beta | Users in this group have access to beta features not yet available in general release versions of The Layer |
Boards | Users in this group may access the boards system based on their own view group (all, mine) |
Bulk Opportunity Loss Status Update | Users in the group can bulk update opportunities to lose status in browsing sessions |
Case Deletion | Users in this role case delete cases |
Change Quotation Owner | Users in this group can change the owner value of a quotation via the quotation editor view |
Create Customer Transactions | Users in this role may create customer transactions, including line rental subsidy and hardware fund movements |
Custom Reports | Users in this group can access custom reports |
Customer & Affiliate Rebates | Users in this group can create customer and affiliate rebates |
Customer Cancellation | Users in this role can create and process Customer Cancellations |
Customer Inventory Import Auto-Normalise | Users in this role have the option to automatically create product manufacturers and suppliers during import of customer inventory data from flat file |
Delete Customer | Users in this role may delete customer data and all associated records |
Delete Opportunity Notes | Users in this group can delete opportunity notes |
Delete Quotation Signature | Users in this group (and Delete Quotations) can remove quotation signatures |
Delete Quotations | Users in this group can delete quotations (inc. signatures) and associated orders |
Delete Sales Order | Users in this group can delete sales orders |
Delete Stock Movement Sessions | Users in this role may delete stock movement sessions which are either empty or contain only unreconciled items |
Disable Browsing Session Template Creation | Users in this role group cannot create browsing session templates |
Disable Custom Product Creation | Users in this group may not create custom products |
Edit Campaign Email Pages | Users in this group can edit campaign email templates |
Edit Customer | Users in this group can edit customer records |
Edit Customer Documents - Portal Availability | Users in this group are allowed to change the availability of customer documents on the customer portal |
Edit Lead | Users in this role can edit lead records |
Employee Numbers as Integer | Users in this group will view employee numbers as integers instead of drop down lists |
Funding Administrator | Users in this group can access all statuses in funding requests |
Mapping | Users in this role may take advantage of mapping functionality |
Merge Records | Users in this group have the ability to merge records. |
Natter Contributor | Users in this role group can access the Natter utility from the master page of the application |
Portal Registration Mapper | Users in this group can map portal registrations |
Postcode Lookups | Users in this group are configured to use the postcode lookup tool |
Premature Hardware Fund Attribution | Users in this role can apply hardware fund prematurely |
Publish Knowledgebase Article | Users in this role can publish knowledgebase articles |
Purchase Order Item - Price Editing | Users in this group can modify the price of purchase order items at any time |
Quotation Authorise Override | Users in this group can create quotations that do not require authorisation |
Quotation Authoriser | Users in this group can authorise quotations |
Quotation Line Minimum Profit Override | Users in this group and create quotations that do not meet the minimum quotation line profit threshold |
Quotation Manual Sign | Users in this group can manually set quotations to won |
Quotation Minimum Profit Override | Users in this group and create quotations that do not meet the minimum profit threshold |
Quotation Rate Groups | Users in this group have access to quotation call rate groups |
Quotation Won Edit | Users in this group can edit won quotations |
Resource Planner | Users in this group can view the resource planner |
Respect Profit Holdback Values | Users in this group will view profitability figures in quotations with % holdback values deducted |
Sales Order and Quotation Finance Report | Users in this role are able to download a sales order/quotation finance report from the sales order/quotation screen and sales order/quotation stack |
Settings: Edit Company | Users in this group can edit company settings in the settings zone |
Settings: Edit User | Users in this group can edit users in the settings zone |
Settings: List Users | Users in this group can list users in the settings zone |
Show Files Link in Navigation | Users in this group can see a public files link in navigation |
Show Service/Product Profit Change in Quote Grid | Users in this role can see the service and product differences in the quotation grids |
Stock Movement Value Override | Users in this role can override the value of a stock item when it is being booked in |
Suppress Case Ratings by Case | Users in this group can suppress rating emails by case |
Tasks: Toggle Completed | Users in this role can toggle the completed value of a task |
Tasks: Toggle Flag | Users in this role can toggle the starred value of a task |
Update Buy Price - Purchase Orders | Users in this group can update product buy price from purchase orders |
Include Leads with Deletion Requests in Global Search | Users in this group will see leads with deletion requests in search results |
Search All Record Types | Users in this group can search everything and have access to advanced search |
Search Cases Affected Assets | Users in this group may search customer cases affected assets via Name or IMEI/MSISDN based on configured view mode |
Search Credit Note Reference | Users in this group can search by credit note reference |
Search Customer Addresses | Users in this group can search customer addresses |
Search Customer Cases via Reference | Users in this group may search customer cases via reference based on configured view mode |
Search Customer Contacts | Users in this group can search customer contacts |
Search Customer Products Custom Fields | Users in this group can search for customer products based on custom fields |
Search Customer Products via Serial | Users in this group may search customer products based on configured view mode |
Search Customer Products via Username | Users in this group may search customer products based on configured view mode |
Search Customer Service Custom Fields | Users in this group can search for customer services based on custom fields |
Search Customer Services via MSISDN | Users in this group may search customer services via MSISDN based on configured view mode |
Search Customer Services via SIM | Users in this group may search customer services via SIM # based on configured view mode |
Search Customer Services via Username | Users in this group may search customer services by username based on configured view mode |
Search Customers | Users in this group may search customers based on configured view mode |
Search Lead Addresses | Users in this group can search lead addresses |
Search Lead Contacts | Users in this group can search lead contacts |
Search Leads | Users in this group may search leads based on configured view mode |
Search Quotation Reference | Users in this group may search lead & customer quotations via reference based on configured view mode |
Search Sales Order Reference | Users in this group can search by sales order reference |
Show all search results to "View only mine" users | Users in this group can view all records in search, even when in view only mine mode |
Data Export
Browsing Session Exporter - Appointment Feedback | Users in this group have the permission to export from appointment feedback browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Assets (Products) | Users in this group have the permission to export from assets (products) browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Assets (Service) | Users in this group have the permission to export from assets (service) browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Campaign Browsing | Users in this group have the permission to export from campaign browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Case | Users in this group have the permission to export from case browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Commission | Users in this group have the permission to export from commission browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Contact | Users in this group have the permission to export from contact browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Customer | Users in this group have the permission to export from customer browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Expiry | Users in this group have the permission to export from expiry browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Invoice Payments | Users in this group can export invoice payments work stacks |
Browsing Session Exporter - Lead | Users in this group have the permission to export from lead browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Opportunity | Users in this group have the permission to export from opportunity browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Product | Users in this group have the permission to export from product browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Product Stock | Users in this group have the permission to export from product stock browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Purchase Order | Users in this group can export purchase order work stacks |
Browsing Session Exporter - Quotation | Users in this group have the permission to export from quotation browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Sales Order | Users in this group have the permission to export from sales order browsing sessions |
Browsing Session Exporter - Task | Users in this group have the permission to export from task browsing sessions |
Campaign (Email) Report Export | Users in the group have the permission to export the capaign email report |
Export Forms | Users in this group can export form results |
Export Invoices | Users in this group can export invoice work stacks |
Export Products | Users in this role are able to export products & services to CSV within the customer profile |
Export Stock Movement | Users in this role can export the history of Stock Movements |
Export Widget Data | Users in this group can export widget data |
Exporter | Users in this group have permissions to export from all grids |
Hidden Features
Disallow Bulk Lead & Customer Operations | Users in the role are not able to perform customer and lead bulk operations |
Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (All) | Users in the role are not able to perform opportunity bulk operations |
Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Classification) | Users in this group can bulk change opportunity classification |
Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Est Close) | Users in this group can bulk change opportunity estimated close date |
Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Owner) | Users in this group can bulk change opportunity owner |
Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Probability) | Users in this group can bulk change opportunity probability |
Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Qualified) | Users in this group can bulk change opportunity qualified state |
Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Qualified-Int) | Users in this group can bulk change opportunity qualified state (lead/customer) |
Disallow Bulk Opportunity Change (Status) | Users in this group can bulk change opportunity status |
Disallow Bulk Service Assets Change (Reassign Customer) | Users in this group can bulk reassign customer |
Disallow Bulk Service Assets Change (Reassign Supplier) | Users in this group can bulk reassign supplier |
Disallow Bulk Subsidy Operations | Users in this group cannot perform bulk operations on subsidy editor |
Disallow Bulk Task Change (Complete) | Users in this group can bulk change task completion status |
Disallow Bulk Task Change (Priority) | Users in this group can bulk change task priority |
Disallow Bulk Task Change (Reassign) | Users in this group can bulk change task owner |
Disallow Widget Settings Changes | Users in this group will be unable to change widget settings |
Hide Browsing Session Promote Button | Permission to restrict browsing session promotions |
Hide Intermediaries from Quotation Builder | Users in this group cannot see the intermediaries column in the quotation builder |
Hide Natter in Views | Users in this role will have access to natter |
Hide New Campaign Shortcut | Users in this role cannot see the New Campaign shortcut |
Hide New Case Shortcut | Users in this role cannot see the New Case shortcut |
Hide New Customer Shortcut | Users in this role cannot see the New Customer shortcut |
Hide New Lead Shortcut | Users in this role cannot see the New Lead shortcut |
Hide New Purchase Order Shortcut | Users in this role cannot see the New Purchase Order shortcut |
Hide New Sales Order Shortcut | Users in this role cannot see the New Sales Order shortcut |
Hide New Scheduled Report Shortcut | Users in this role cannot see the New Scheduled Report shortcut |
Hide New Stock Movement Shortcut | Users in this role cannot see the New Stock Movement shortcut |
Hide News in Top Bar Links | Users in this role cannot see recent items (news) in the hidden menu |
Hide Quotation & Sales Order Profits | Users in this role cannot see quotation profitability |
Hide Quotation Profitability Breakdown | Users in this role will not have access to quotation profitability breakdowns |
Hide Scheduled Emails from Users | Users in this group will not see scheduled email options |
Hide SKU Field | Users in this group cannot see the SKU Field throughout the Application |
Hide Transactions Summary (Customer) | Users in this group will not see transaction summaries on the customer screen |
Hide Transactions Summary (Sales Order) | Users in this group will not see transaction summarised on the sales order screen |
Override Finalised Purchase Order | Users in the role can amend finalised purchase orders |
Search Purchase Order Reference | Users in this role can search purchase order reference |
Developer API
API - Access All Areas | Users in this group have full acess to the api data |
API - Custom Reports | Permission to access API Custom Reports |
API - Customer Files (POST) | Users in this role can post API files |
API - Leasing Feeds | Permission to access API Leasing endpoint |
API - Outlook Plugin | Users in this group may access the Outlook plug in for their own view group (own, mine) |
App - Billing | Users in this group have access to the billing app |
App - Billing - End User | Users in this group have access to the app billing results in UI |
App - Spend Management | Users in this group have access to the O2 Minimum Spend app |
Apps | Users in this group have access to apps |
Apps - Change Queue | Users in this group have access to the Apps - Change Queue |
Apps - Duplicate Manager | Users in this group have access to the Apps - Duplicate Manager |
Apps - ePostCode | Users in this group have access to ePostCode |
Apps - Exchange Touch | Users in this group have access to the Exchange Touch app |
Apps - Mail Triage | Users in this group have access to the Mail Triage app |
Apps - Maintenance | Users in this group have access to Maintenance App |
Apps - SPM | Users in this group have access to SPM tooling |
Sales Orders
Allow Edit Holdback Values in Quotation & Sales Order Items | Users in this role can edit the holdback values in quotation & sales Order Items |
Allow Restricted Amendments in Data Capture | Users in this role are allowed to edit sales order data in data capture after after finalisation |
Allow Restricted Amendments in Data Capture (Post Conversion) | Users in this role are allowed to edit sales order data in data capture after after completion |
Allow Sales Order Change During Processing | Users in this group can modify sales order lines after processing has started |
Allow Sales Order Modification Post Completion | Users in this group can modify sales order data in the header tab after sales order completion |
Cancel Sales Order | Users in this group can cancel sales orders |
Enable sales order regulation (BETA) | Users in this group can regulate sales orders |
Hide Adjustments tab in Sales Order | Users in this roles cannot see the Adjustments tab in Sales Order |
Hide Checklist tab in Sales Order | Users in this roles cannot see the Notifications tab in Sales Order |
Hide Deliveries tab in Sales Order | Users in this roles cannot see the Deliveries tab in Sales Order |
Hide Documents tab in Sales Order | Users in this roles cannot see the Documents tab in Sales Order |
Hide History tab in Sales Order | Users in this roles cannot see the History tab in Sales Order |
Hide Invoice & Credit Note tabs in Sales Order | Users in this roles cannot see the Invoices tab in Sales Order |
Hide Invoice Payments tab in Sales Order | Users in this roles cannot see the Invoice Payments tab in Sales Order |
Hide Items tab in Sales Order | Users in this roles cannot see the Items tab in Sales Order |
Hide Spend tab in Sales Order | Users in this roles cannot see the Spend tab in Sales Order |
Prevent Check Creation in Sales Order | Users in this roles cannot create checks in Sales Order |
Prevent Check Edit & Deletion in Sales Order | Users in this roles cannot edit checks in Sales Order |
Prevent Reservations & Allocations in Sales Order | Users in this roles cannot reserve & allocate stock in Sales Order |
Prevent Reservations in Sales Order | Users in this roles cannot reserve stock in Sales Order |
Sales Order Authorise Override | Users in this group can create sales order that do not require authorisation |
Sales Order Authoriser | Users in this group can authorise sales orders |
Sales Order Header Edit Customer Owner | Users in this role can request the Sales Order's Customer's Owner be changed upon Conversion |
Sales Order Migrator | Users in this group can migrate sales order items to customer assets |
Show Upfront & Recurring Buy Pricing in Data Capture | Users in this group can see buy price in data capture in read-only mode |
Update Sales Order Financial Incentives | Users in this role can update the financial incentives in a sales order, or manage the subsidy queue |
Allow edit invoices nominal codes | Permission to Change Invoice nominal code in Invoice manager |
Allow Editing of Reconciled Invoices | Users in this group can edit reconciled invoices |
Allow Invoice Creditnote Creation | Permission to Create Invoice Credit Note |
Allow Invoice Finance Changes | Users in this group can change invoice values after creation |
Allow Invoice Reconciliation | Users in this group can reconcile invoices |
Allow update billing | Permission to Update Billing Route, Billing Status and Bill Start Date Override |
Delete Invoice Payment | Users in this group can delete invoice payments |
Disable Invoice & Credit Note Deletion | Users in this group cannot delete invoices and credit notes |
Disable Invoice Cancellation | Users in this group cannot cancel invoices |
Disable Invoice Creation | Users in this group cannot create invoices |
Disable Invoice Editing | Users in this role cannot edit invoices after creation |
Re-Invoice Items Override | Users in this group can override invoicing by quantity |
Restrict opportunity owner change | Permission to Restrict opportunity owner change |
Restrict opportunity update to cancelled | Permission to Restrict opportunity update to cancelled |
Restrict opportunity update to in progress | Permission to Restrict opportunity update to in progress |
Restrict opportunity update to lost | Permission to Restrict opportunity update to lost |
Restrict opportunity update to on hold | Permission to Restrict opportunity update to on hold |
Restrict opportunity update to won | Permission to Restrict opportunity update to won |
Disable Delegation on Lead records | Permission to Disable Delegation on Lead records |
Hide lead tab - Access | Permission to Hide lead tab - Access |
Hide lead tab - Addresses | Permission to Hide lead tab - Addresses |
Hide lead tab - Audit | Permission to Hide lead tab - Audit |
Hide lead tab - Contact | Permission to Hide lead tab - Contact |
Hide lead tab - Custom Fields | Permission to Hide lead tab - Custom Fields |
Hide lead tab - Expiries | Permission to Hide lead tab - Expiries |
Hide lead tab - Home | Permission to Hide lead tab - Home |
Hide lead tab - Notes | Permission to Hide lead tab - Notes |
Hide lead tab - Opportunities | Permission to Hide lead tab - Opportunities |
Hide lead tab - Quotes | Permission to Hide lead tab - Quotes |
Hide lead tab - Tasks | Permission to Hide lead tab - Tasks |
Restrict lead owner change | Permission to Restrict lead owner change |
Restrict lead to customer conversion | Permission to Restrict lead to customer conversion |
Allow Customer Credit Limit Changes | Permission to set Customer Credit Limit |
Disable Delegation on Customer records | Permission to Disable Delegation on Customer records |
Hide customer tab - Access | Permission to Hide customer tab - Access |
Hide customer tab - Addresses | Permission to Hide customer tab - Addresses |
Hide customer tab - Assets | Permission to Hide customer tab - Assets |
Hide customer tab - Audit | Permission to Hide customer tab - Audit |
Hide customer tab - Cancellations | Permission to Hide customer tab - Cancellations |
Hide customer tab - Cases | Permission to Hide customer tab - Cases |
Hide customer tab - Contacts | Permission to Hide customer tab - Contacts |
Hide customer tab - Custom Fields | Permission to Hide customer tab - Custom Fields |
Hide customer tab - Expiries | Permission to Hide customer tab - Expiries |
Hide customer tab - Finance | Permission to Hide customer tab - Finance |
Hide customer tab - Home | Permission to Hide customer tab - Home |
Hide customer tab - Notes | Permission to Hide customer tab - Notes |
Hide customer tab - Opportunities | Permission to Hide customer tab - Opportunities |
Hide customer tab - Orders | Permission to Hide customer tab - Orders |
Hide customer tab - Quotes | Permission to Hide customer tab - Quotes |
Hide customer tab - Tasks | Permission to Hide customer tab - Tasks |
Restrict customer asset deletions | Permission to Restrict customer asset deletions |
Restrict customer asset editing | Permission to Restrict customer asset editing |
Restrict customer asset manual creation | Permission to Restrict manual creation of customer assets |
Restrict customer asset snapshots | Permission to Restrict customer asset snapshots |
Restrict customer owner change | Permission to Restrict customer owner change |
Browsing Sessions
Hide browsing session subscriptions | Permission to hide browsing session subscriptions, or 'stacks' |
Approval Manager | Users in this group have access to the approval manager |
Approval Override | Users in this group are excempt from approval rules |
Restrict Deal Termination Value Update | Permission to Restrict Deal Termination Value Update |
Show Present Value of Annuity Calculations (Annual) | Show Present Value calculations for wholesale service profit |
Remove Finalised Lease | Users in this group can remove finalised leases |
Product Browser
Override Product Name in Quotations & Sales Orders | Users in this group can override product name in quotations & sales orders |
Override Supplier in Quotations & Sales Orders | Users in this group can override supplier in quotations & sales orders |
Allow Case Time Creation after Maintenance balance is exhausted | Permission to allow users to create Case Time even after the maintenance balance is depleted |
Allow Retrospective Case Time Addition | Users in this group can create case time for previous dates |
Delete Case Time Entries | Users in this group can delete the case time entries |
Edit Case Time Entries | Users in this group can edit the case time entries |
Enable Internal Body in Cases | Users in this group can edit the case internal description |
Override Case Time Creation for Cases with Maintenance Type | Permission to log a “non-maintenance plan” case time entry when maintenance plan specified on case sub-category is enabled |
Override Deductible in Case Time Entry | Users in this group can override deductible option case time entry |