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How to Edit an Asset

Users can edit assets with certain permissions

Written by Chris Smith
Updated over 3 months ago

It is possible to edit live or non live assets within a customer record.

First, navigate to the Customer Record > Assets Tab.

Locate the Base Category which has the asset or assets you wish to edit, as above, we have navigated to the the Tariffs category.

Next, Locate the assets you wish to edit. You may want to filter by IMEI, Service Name or another column to locate these faster.

When you have found the asset you wish to edit, simply click on the asset name, which will open the Edit Asset Screen as below

The Properties tab is where all the core fields will be maintained. If a core field is not visible here, check out this article on enabling field visibility.

From within the Edit Asset Screen, you are able to edit the information stored against the asset, this can include updating pricing information, supplier information, connection or expiry dates or marking the asset as Live / Non-live.

Any changes you make, be sure to press Save.

If you wanted to make changes in Bulk via a customer record, you can do this in Batch Editor also located within the Assets Tab.

Batch Editor is similar to Data Capture, within this screen, any changes made are automatically saved once you click away from the field you are editing. So we advise careful navigation of this screen.

If you wish to change the category you are viewing, you can do so by selecting the category from along the top bar.

If you wish to view non-live assets, simply click Show Inactive

When you are finished making your changes, you can return to the customer record by clicking on the Customer Record Name in the top left corner

Related Permissions:

  • Restrict customer asset editing

  • Restrict customer asset deletions

  • Restrict customer asset manual creation

Data Manager

It is also possible to edit asset information in bulk via Data Manager, this is a more involved process however you are not restricted to editing one customers assets at a time.

To update Asset Information via Data Manager, you would need the following permissions:

  • Data Manager - All


  • Data Manager - Customer Service Assets

  • Data Manager - Customer Product Assets

If you do not have these permissions, we recommend speaking with a CRM Admin.

To update Asset Information via Data Manager, you can follow this process:

Navigate to Settings > Data Manager

From here, export either Customer Service Assets or Customer Products using the Populated hyperlink option as highlighted below

This will download a populated excel file with all your current Product or Service asset information, along with their Unique ID's

This will also display this information in their relevant fields.

We recommend you do not alter the naming conventions of these fields, within the populated file.

Next, Remove the asset data which you do not wish to edit.

You should now only have the assets within the file which you wish to make changes to.

Update the asset information as required.

To upload or Upsert these changes back into The Layer, Save your file under a new, friendly name and close.

Return to Data Manager and Select the relevant Entity Type, either Customer Service Assets or Customer Products depending which your file contains.

Change the option to Upsert for updating existing assets, or Insert for importing new assets.

Scroll to the bottom and Click "Next"

Select the file you have been working on

Then select "Lock File & Load" you will see a preview screen of the first row of data, use this to ensure the correct columns are populating with data.

Click "Next"


Data Manager allows you to auto map your file column headers to the correct core fields on The Layer. If the Column Names have not been changed, these should auto map correctly.

If you have changed any column names, these may need to be manually mapped using the drop down options.

Once you have completed your mapping of fields, make sure you Save the mappings, otherwise the insert / upsert will fail.

Once you have saved your mappings, click "Next"

The final stage of a Data Manager Insert / Upsert is the validation page

This will show a Green Tick if validation has passed or a Red X if validation has failed.

If Validation has failed, we recommend you exit the import session and correct the data.

Once you are happy with the validation of the import file, click "Run"

The final page will tell you if your import has been successful. If the import has not been successful, review the error messages and action the required changes.

If you are unsure why the import has failed, Contact [email protected] or Message us on our Live Chat Support.

Important information for Data Manager:

  • If a Column is not a mandatory column, and you do not need to make any changes to that data, you can remove the column in full

  • Only include data for one entity type per file, for example you can not upsert or insert service assets and product assets within the same file.

  • You should never alter a Unique ID generated within this file

  • If a field within a column is Blank then this will update that field on The Layer to be blank also.

  • Also ensure mandatory fields are in any Insert or Upsert files

  • If you are unsure when using Data Manager, Contact your Account Manager or [email protected] for assistance prior to any uploads

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