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Using the Quantity of Cases Summary widget to count cases
Using the Quantity of Cases Summary widget to count cases

This widget can be configured to count case totals for a range of purposes, including a range of KPIs

Written by Raymond Carrel
Updated over 4 years ago

The Qty of Cases Summary widget allows you to display case counts based on a range of filters and grouping options. For example, you may wish to view how many cases a user raised in January, or how many complaints were raised by a specific customer.

Above: an example configuration.

Note: one of the other possible functions of this widget is to show figures relating to aged cases. If this is of interest to you, please read this article, which documents that configuration in detail.

To configure the widget for any other purpose, please read on.

A note on shared widgets

If you are looking to share your widget with colleagues, you should set up this configuration from Settings - Widgets. Find the generic Qty of Cases Summary Widget and Duplicate. You can then configure this copy, and share it once it's ready.

Widget Settings

There are a number of generic configuration options for this widget. Users with the required role can click the cog icon on the widget to change these settings.

Title - Widget duplicates can be renamed to reflect their configuration e.g. "Cases closed this month, by user" or "Cases raised this quarter by team". Please note that this will change the name for all users of that particular widget copy.

Display Items - Maximum number of lines shown for this widget. Please make sure this is high enough to include everything you need, or you may miss data and see incomplete totals.

Timespan Type - Choose between day / week / month / quarter / year. Please note that these refer to calendar periods

Initial Offset - You can choose to apply an offset to the filtered period, e.g. show two months behind, 3 weeks ahead etc. The unit of time will match the timespan type. This value determines the beginning of the chosen timespan.

Initial Span - Choose the timespan to be reflected, based on the timespan type chosen - e.g. 10 days, 2 weeks etc. Again, please keep in mind that this refers to calendar periods. If you want to ignore calendar periods, please use days as your timespan type.

  • Use this in combination with Initial Offset to create a view of a rolling period. For example, a span of 3 months with an offset of -3 months will show you the last three calendar months.

  • A span of 14 days with an initial offset of 14 days will show you results for the last 14 days, ignoring calendar weeks.

  • Conversely, a span of 2 weeks with an initial offset of 2 weeks will show you results from the last two calendar weeks.

Group Type - Determines how results will be grouped. You can either use Username or Team. The selection will be used for display only. Filtering can be done by either user or team, regardless of how results are grouped.

Date Filter - You can choose to use either case creation or case close date for filtering purposes.


The following filtering options are available to you.

  • Users - This refers to case owner.

  • Teams - This refers to any team that the case owner is part of - not any team assigned directly to the case.

  • Include / Exclude Internal - This is based on case category.

  • Case Categories

  • Case Sub-Categories

  • Priorities

  • Request Types

  • My View - This setting will override any user / team filters to show only values for the current user (viewer). This is useful if you are rolling a version of this widget out to team members.

Date browser

You can use the arrows shown below to browse through different time periods. Doing this will not save any changes to the widget, and will return to the configured state upon dashboard refresh.

This is useful for checking the same results for a different period. If you find yourself doing this often, you may wish to set up another widget duplicate that is configured to show, for example, data with an initial offset as described above.

Example configurations

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