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Using the Self-Service Portal

How to use and set up The Layer's Self-Service Portal

Alex Hales avatar
Written by Alex Hales
Updated over 6 months ago

Overview and Benefits

The Layer's self-service customer portal allows your customers to:

  • Create new Cases directly from your website

  • View Case history, add notes and files

  • View their Products and Services

  • Access FAQ's, guides and knowledgebase articles.

The Portal can be easily integrated into your website and email signatures and a URL can be sent directly to customers, streamlining service requests and reducing the workload of your customer service team.

⚠️Note: This article contains information about The Layer's current self-service Portal.

COMING SOON! Our new-look Portal will have improved layouts and expanded functionality to view Invoices, Orders, create Cases from assets, a custom URL for your business, improved customisation options and much more!

For more information, or if you're interested in migrating your customers to our new portal functionality when it's released, please contact your Account Manager.

How can my customers use the Portal?

Creating Cases

Your customers can benefit from using the portal by creating cases directly, without the need to phone or email your team. If asset visibility is enabled, they will also be able to link affected products or services when creating cases, saving you and your team time.

Clicking New Case will load the Case creation screen:

Supporting Files can be added at the time of case creation in the Attachment area.

If the affected Product or Service asset is known, it can be added by your customer when they create the case, as shown above.

For guidance on how to enable asset visibility, click here!

Managing Cases

Your customers can benefit from using the portal by managing their Cases directly; notes, files and images can be added to existing Cases and progress can be tracked via the status field.

Adding notes to Cases

Your customers can add Notes to cases directly, in the Something to add section, then clicking Add Note:

Customer notes will be visible to your users in the Case Activity Feed; responses left as customer-visible notes in the case, will be visible to the customer via the Portal in the Notes section.

When notes are added, this will trigger an email notification to case watchers.

Adding files and images to Cases

Your customers can view all of their files by clicking on Files.

Files and images can be added directly to cases from this area of the Portal.

Viewing Assets

If enabled, your customer will be able to view their products and services by clicking on View Assets. These can be viewed by Product or Service.

Here, the Service name will be visible alongside Unique ID (CLI, MSISDN, etc), Site, User name, cost centre, start date, end date, date last updated and contract term.

The Product name will be visible alongside IMEI, Site, User, Cost Centre and Date last updated.

Clicking into the asset will show further details including Cease Date, Bill Cap Limits and Account Manager Name and contact details. Your customer should have all the basic information they need about their products and services and know who to contact if they have any other queries.

Viewing Knowledgebase Articles

Your customer may not need to raise a case; if enabled, they can click the Knowledgebase link on your portal and search your articles, FAQs and guides to troubleshoot any issues for themselves.

How do I set up access to the self-service Portal for my customers?

In this section we'll show you how to grant access to the self-service Portal for your customers.

Granting access to your customer

You can activate users by accessing a customer record, clicking on the 'Contacts' tab and navigating to the Customer Portal column for the required contact record.

Enable Contact record editing by clicking the Edit button against the record, and remember to save the changes you make below.

Checking "PE" (Portal Enabled) enables Portal access for the contact.
Checking "PFN" (Notify Portal Files Received) enables notifications to be sent to your team when this contact adds files to the Portal.
Clicking the password send icon sends the Portal Welcome email to this contact.

This will send the user an activation link and their initial password will display on-screen for 10 seconds.

Users will be able to log onto the portal with their associated email address and password. The password can be changed once the contact has logged in.

Self-Activation by your customer

If your customer has "Portal Enabled" ticked green as shown in the previous section, they can self-register for portal access via the link on your website or via a link sent directly via email.

When your customer clicks the Register Now button, they will be shown the following screen to create a new account:

This will trigger an email to your users who meet the following criteria:

1. The user has been marked as On-duty Portal Staff (see here)

2. The user has the role Portal Registration Mapper

Mapping Customer Registration Requests

Customer self-registration requests will trigger an email to any user who meets the above criteria.

Any user who receives this email can click on Map Registration to process the request.

The link will take you to the mapping screen below.

Select the customer's Company. You can then use the Select user menu to select the corresponding customer contact. If the user does not have a contact set up already, you can enter the details in the section below - make sure to enable Create new contact.

Once you've entered the details correctly, click Map user to company.

This will send a confirmation email to the contact, informing them of their login details.

How your customer can access the portal

Once your customer has been given access and their login information, they will be able to access this from your website link at any time.

How do I set up the self service Portal?

This section will show you how to integrate your portal with your website, make your Knowledgebase, customer files and assets visible to your customers and how to set up portal notifications for your team.

⚠️ Permission required: CRM Administrator

How to integrate the self-service portal with your website

If you're a company administrator, you'll find your company's customised link under Settings - Company Setup - Self Service

You can easily add the link to your website or email signatures by copying and pasting the link onto your website. You can also test and view your portal by clicking on Get Support.

The link will look similar to this:

<a class="generic" href="">Get Support</a>

Tip: You can customise this link with CSS styling, or replace it with a button!

How to make your Knowledgebase visible to customers via the portal

To enable your Knowledgebase to be visible to your customers via the Portal, navigate to Settings - Company Setup - Edit Company - Tenant Specific Settings and tick Knowledgebase link on Portal, then save.

It's possible to integrate your public knowledgebase into your existing website; it's possible to customise the colours, font and general feel of your knowledgebase to match your website design too. For more information, click here!

Finally, you can include a link to your public knowledgebase in your case emails to encourage customers to search for answers to any queries that they may have.

Should you require any assistance setting this up please contact your Layer Account Manager.

How to make Customer Files visible to customers via the portal

To enable your customers to view their files, you can tick Show Files Link on Portal from Settings - Company Setup - Edit Company - Tenant Specific Settings, then save.

Your customers will be able to view any files that have been marked as visible via the Portal.

To make files visible, navigate to a Customer Record and click Files in the task bar to open the Customer's File Manager. Scroll to the left to see the visibility options per file.

To edit, click the pencil icon, it will change to a check and the settings under Portal column can be amended by clicking on the X or ✓ icons; this will update immediately.

Team members need the permission "Edit Customer Documents - Portal Availability" to be able to amend file settings.

⚠️ Permission required: Edit Customer Documents - Portal Availability

How to make assets visible to your customers via the portal

To enable asset visibility to your customers via the portal, navigate to Settings - Company Setup - Edit Company - Tenant Specific Settings and tick Show Assets on Portal, then save.

How to activate portal notifications for your users

Enable the On-Duty Customer Portal widget to include/exclude users from receiving notifications when a portal case is received or updated. Click Save and your widget will appear on your dashboard.

You can customise the email templates for these notifications in Settings - Email Templates. For more information on working with email templates, see this article.

✅This article should give you all the information you need to use, manage and set up the self-service Portal. Please contact your Account Manager if you need further support!

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