Inform Eclipse NG Integration - Customer sync

Customer records can be synced individually to Eclipse

Written by Raymond Carrel
Updated over a week ago

The Eclipse Inform installation enables the Inform menu within a customer record.

This drop-down menu is the main gateway to Inform Eclipse information. It also allows you to sync customer records individually. If a record has been synced already, you'll see a green tick icon next to the Inform menu header.

Clicking on Sync Inform Eclipse Customer will begin the sync process. The window that opens will confirm the current sync status. In this case, it confirms that this record is not yet synced.

Syncing the records is easy - click on Continue to begin.

On the next screen, you just need to select the corresponding Inform Eclipse customer record.

Click Create to establish the link between the records.

Refresh the customer record in The Layer and you'll see that the green tick symbol has appeared in the Inform menu.

You can select the sync option again to confirm.

Syncing when no customer record exists in Eclipse

If a customer record exists in The Layer but does not have a corresponding record in Eclipse, you can have the Eclipse record be created automatically during sync.

To do this, simply do not select a record in the Inform Eclipse Customer dropdown menu.

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