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Deactivating a user

How to deactivate a user account

Written by Raymond Carrel
Updated over a week ago

Prior to deactivating a user, it's important to complete a few actions to ensure a smooth process. Here is an article to help transfer Lead or Customer records.

Administrators should access:

Settings - Users

Select the user you want to deactivate.

On the left-side of the screen, click Deactivate User.

You will be prompted to confirm deactivation.


For best practice, you should verify the following on the user record:


Under the System tab you must make sure the below System Settings have been amended as follows:

  • Active: Unticked

  • Send Notifications: Unticked

  • View Only My Records: Unticked

  • API Login Allowed: False

  • Default Case Watcher: False


  • Department Memberships: Ensure all departments are unticked

  • Shared Calendar Department: Should read as "--Please select a business unit--"

  • Default Browsing Group (Widget): Should read as "--Please select a group--"

Contact Preferences:

Under Contact Preferences ensure the following:

  • Notification Schemes: Ensure all are unticked

Signature, Telephony and Information do not need to be amended.

Telephony is only needed in the rare instance that and Asterisk phone system is being used.

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