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Creating a purchase order

Information on creating a purchase order

Written by Raymond Carrel
Updated over 6 months ago

Users with access to the Stock module can create Purchase Orders. These can be raised against a sales order, or standalone.

Raising a purchase order against a specific sales order

This is done from the sales order record, by selecting New Purchase Order from the Actions menu. This method is recommended when you are ordering items to fulfil a specific sales order.

Note on Product Name Override: If you use the Product Name Override feature and have renamed a generic price book item, you must create your PO from the corresponding sales order. Otherwise, you will not see the updated item names.

Raising a standalone purchase order

This can be done from the Stock tab, by clicking on New Purchase Order on the left-side bar.

You can also click New P.O. from the +New button on the bar at the bottom of the screen, accessible globally.

Purchase order details

Purchase Order Header

  • Subject: Auto-populated but can be amended.

  • Supplier: Recipient of the PO. You can create a new supplier record using the + button. Selecting a supplier will set defaults for payment terms and shipping cost, where configured.

  • Payment Term: The supplier's payment terms. This will default to the supplier's standard terms if configured in your supplier settings.

  • Tracking Number: Enter the tracking number provided by the supplier if required.

  • Shipping Cost: Add the shipping cost charged by your supplier. This will default to the supplier's standard shipping fee if configured in your supplier settings.

  • PO Number: The reference number of the PO.

  • Status: Defaults to Created. This can be amended depending on the progress of the PO.

  • Expected Date: Defaults to the next day, but can be overridden.

  • Dest. Warehouse: If your business has multiple warehouses you can specify which one the items should be booked into when they are delivered.

  • Sub-Company: Select your sub-company if required.

  • Created: The date and time the purchase order was created.


  • Delivery Type: Ship to organisation (i.e. to your business) or Drop ship to customer

  • Customer: Select intended customer if you have selected Drop ship to customer.

  • Shipping Address: Choose from available addresses.


  • Billing Address: Choose from stored billing addresses

For either address you can choose to override with a free-typed address, or open the Address Manager for the customer if you need to make amendments.

Supplier email update

Please note the option to update the supplier by email.

Example email:

You will be given the opportunity to amend the email before it is sent.

Purchase order items

After confirming your purchase order details, you can start adding items. This next view allows you to amend details you previously entered if need be.

The Layer offers the ability to add either products or services to a PO. However, we expect that you will generally only want to select products. For this article we will assume this is the case, but the process is the same for services.

To add an item, select Add Product

The radio buttons at the top of this dialogue offers two or three filter options depending on how the order was created:

  • All Products: All inventory products

  • All Required Products: All items that have been reserved for any sales order.

  • Sales Order Products: Present for POs that were created from a sales order. This will list the items from the named PO that have been reserved.

Note on Product Name Override: If you use the Product Name Override feature and have renamed a generic price book item, you must use the Sales Order Products filter in order to see the correct updated item names.

You can sort and search with the column headers.

  • Guid - Guidance price

  • Lowest - Lowest price you have ever purchased the item for

  • Last - Latest price you have paid

  • SOH - Stock on Hand

  • SOO - Stock on Order

  • RES - Reserved Stock

  • REQ - Required Stock

  • Avail - Available Stock

Select the item you need, and enter the quantity required. If you are ready to finalise the order and require no further items to be added, you can click Add Line & Finalise. If you want to add more items, click Add Line and repeat the process. You may find it more practical to close this dialogue without finalising the order, as this process is not reversible. The order can be finalised later, and you may wish to speak to your supplier beforehand.

Note: You can update the Buy Price if this is changed from the original value. If you want this value to update the item's record in the inventory, and / or the sell price, use the Update Buy Price / Update Sell Price fields with the Update button.

Purchase Order 'On Order'

By finalising the purchase order the PO status is automatically changed to 'On Order' which basically makes the PO selectable from the drop-down option when booking stock in.

POs in created status and fully delivered status will not appear in the drop down list.

Other purchase order tabs

  • Shipping & Billing: Reflects the information entered during PO creation, and allows edits.

  • Description: Free-text for your own notes.

  • Terms: Free-text for your own notes.

  • Invoices & Payments: You can log any payments made against this purchase order here

  • History: This logs details of any status changes made to the order.

  • Emails: Logs any emails to the supplier sent via this PO.

PO - Available actions

You can use the left-side bar to view a summary, and perform a number of actions:

  • Finalise: This will place the purchase order on order, please only select this once the order has been placed with the supplier.

  • Files: Here you are able to attached any supporting documents - email confirmation etc.

  • Export PDF: If you wish to retain a copy of the purchase order you can export a PDF version for saving or printing.

  • Email PDF: Open an email dialogue using your email template, and the supplier's stored email address. The email can be changed before sending.

  • Stock Movements: This is a shortcut to book stock in.

  • PO Notes: Leave any internal notes here.


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