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Dynamic widgets

An overview of dynamic widgets

Written by Raymond Carrel
Updated over a week ago

Dynamic Widgets are highly-customisable widgets that let you display KPIs and other metrics on your dashboard.

These widgets are powered by data from The Layer's custom reports, and allow for advanced filtering to be performed on the fly. Filtering can be performed on multiple fields at a time.

Note that you do not need to run the report - this is done in the background as you use the widget.

A range of display options are available, such as numerical values, bar charts, and tables.

Display types

Aggregate value

This widget type lets you display a single numerical value.

You can show the particular number of records (e.g. quotes, sales orders) that match a given set of filters.

Alternatively, you can pull numerical values (e.g. profit, case ratings) from a report and display these as a sum or average, or pull out the maximum or minimum value.

Some basic examples are:

  • The number of connections made for a specific supplier, in a given period of time

  • Total profitability of all quotes this month so far

  • The average case rating for cases closed this year


If you are looking for a graphical representation, there are several options:

  • Bar / column chart

  • Line chart

  • Pie chart

  • Grid view

    • This option presents data as a two-column table.

The Y-axis values can represent a count of filtered records, or can be the sum, average, maximum value, or minimum value of a selected field.

Timeline chart

This is similar to the chart option but designed for tracking values over a period of time. Timeline charts also support bar and pie chart visuals.

The Y-axis values can represent a count of filtered records, or can be the sum, average, maximum value, or minimum value of a selected field.

Grouped Table

This option allows for the creation of tables with up to three levels of grouping.

Grouped table widgets offer the same level of filtering and aggregation as other table widgets.


This option lets you pull out specific columns from the source report - filtered to your requirements - and present them as a grid.

This is a very flexible format, and can be used for a wide range of purposes.

Table widgets allows you to select columns from the report, and change the order in which they appear. Widget users can also click on column headers to reorder the lines.

The table widget type does not support aggregation of report values - its purpose is to filter and present report data in a convenient way. For aggregation, use a chart (grid) or grouped table widget.

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